I am SO glad you are registered for this year’s LIVE Summer Bible Study Series.
Tomorrow we will begin our journey together through one of the most beloved chapters of scripture - Psalm 23. Through it, we will gain an even greater understanding of God’s love and care for us as our Great Shepard; and how to truly embrace and rest in being His Sheep.
Many of you have asked what you need to bring with you. Two things:
1) An open heart and mind - ready to receive ALL that the Lord wants to reveal to you through His Word.
2) your favorite/preferred Bible.
Everything else has been taken care of, including dinner. Yeessss Sisterfriend, dinner will be served from 5:07pm - 5:45pm.
Bible Study will begin at 6:07pm.
Lastly, In an effort to make sure that this study is relevant to you; I have attached a brief questionnaire that will help me better understand where you are in your faith journey. No personal information will be recorded - so don’t hold back - be as transparent as possible in your responses.
Need childcare?? The sign up for childcare is included at the bottom of the questionnaire. Only the number of children and their ages is needed to ensure we have adequate staffing.
I am beyond excited about sharing this sweet time with all of you. See you tomorrow Sisterfriend.
Much love,